There is nothing more enchanting than watching old movies....there is just something about them, a reassurance that fills you with hope that sooner or later everything will be fine. Every movie, every script ever written has hurdles and hardships but somehow it all just turns ok and life's good again.
they are the kind of movies, that help you get through all the bad stuff happening in your life. Somehow even if you deny it, there is a little hope in that teeny tiny corner of your heart which says "see i told you, everything will be fine"!
I can sit for hours and watch movies like meet me in st louis, casablanca, roman holiday, wizard of oz, angels in the outfield, sound of music,breakfast at tiffany's, christmas carol, seven brides for seven brothers, gone with the wind etc etc with a bag full of popcorn, a box of tissues and a blanket. How I wish my life would for once just be like those movies, ending well...maybe someday they will...guess I just have to live it to see it!