Wednesday, April 30, 2014


So, I saw this one friend posting her happiness on her FB page and that got me really interested in the concept of 100 Happy days. A brilliant idea, it will be a challenge to think of something or rather notice things that make you happy...esp the small stuff. In these times most of the time we are surrounded by negative energy or are depressed and stressed out ..I loved this idea. 

Upon discussion of why I would want it to be public and not internal, good question yes, but I definitely think the social media helps to keep you motivated enough to do this thing. Though I will be posting the images every 30 -31 days on my blog to see where I have been , it will be amazing to see how much I can achieve.

I am at a point in my life, where I am totally driven to be positive no matter what or no matter who hurts me. Lets see how this challenge assists me on my journey to happiness!!!

So am thinking ( the plot), is to upload the picture every night, so that I can weigh my choices of what made me happy the entire day..and then maybe put them all up once its over.

Wish me Luck!!

Fingers Crossed <3 p="">

Friday, April 25, 2014


When it rains, each drop is filled again,
Pours from the sky, covered with clouds, 
To meet the sweet earth of mine.

Through its entire journey,
It sees everything from up high,
Facing the wind, the thunder,
Not knowing when it would lie.

With only one destination in mind,
It falls down with courage and fight,
Ready to merge and form a puddle,
For the awaiting young ones to enjoy.

The moment it drops, shattering into its element,
Creating a circle, breaking to segments,
Now it's no more, lost and mixed with hundred such souls,
Who knew of the same plight,
To fall from heaven and be out of sight!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

It's just a little crush!

Well I thought that when you get over your teenage years, you hope that you will get over crushes and finally have a mature relationship. Oh boy, was I wrong! so I was blown away when I figured out that I have been crushing over someone. I read somewhere that crushes are a roller-coaster, which end up haunting and tormenting you.

The funny thing about crush is that you don't even know the person well enough to establish the fact that you can, in the near future have a decent relationship with that person. He may not be the right one and some part of you kinda knows it but still there is there strange urge to have that person's thoughts. I often feel that the strength of human emotion is not more than the basic urge/ego of a person. For instance, contrary to the popular notion about girls I like the be the one who does the chasing. There is a kind of thrill attached to the chase that gets your blood pumping.

Even though you know for a fact that once the chase ends you see the person for who he is, which may not be pretty and may not be someone you wanna end up with but just the fact that he is inaccessible, that is the thrill. So you do what a mature person does, after endless conversations with friends and mindless conversations with yourself, you google the solution :p.

After reading about a 100 posts on "how to get over your crush"... I started researching for some alternate theory on crushes. The most interesting this that I came up with was the concept of "Karmic Relationships", it talks about how you are mindlessly attracted to a person even though you do not know them because in some lifetime there was some connection and when that person comes into your life you get in a state of Karmic shadow. The theory seems to be pretty popular and I will be researching it further because the whole past life connections has some serious repercussions in this life. So more on that later...

Among all the research , I realized that even though it hurts that someone perceives you for someone you are not, or judges have to realize that IT IS NOT YOU!!! Clearly there are other people who like you hell love you for who you are and it does matter that if that one person treats you unfairly. What needs to be done is to focus on the good things, break that karmic connection ( researching more on this ) and then move on to a better person who gives you the respect you deserve and to a better life.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Reality of Life

We constantly struggle in the life we live. This struggle begins at the moment of conception with a racing competition between the sperms to see who can reach the egg. The foetus struggles to survive; sometimes that choice is not even given to it. We see the light of life, and then the struggle begins again. The first milestone we have to or should achieve, the first food we eat, when we eat, how much we eat , whether we get anything to eat. The constant pressure by everyone to speak, only told later to shut up!

Then the struggle begins to study and learn,  to get into better school or any school for that matter, then it moves to the struggle to complete that school with flying colours. The struggle to compete with the other, to score better, to be better, to be  number one!.

The fight continues to get to the right college, to find a job that you like with decent remuneration, followed by the stress to compete with so many to find the right mate. Then you struggle to create a life of your own, the struggle to give birth to another life.

It is a vicious circle, this life, and still we pine to survive. We survive failures, rejections, heartbreaks, friendships, trust and loyalty. We mourn the death of near and dear ones, but we still go on. The steps forward may shake, may not be confident but still we strive to live.

Is it worth it? Yes, my take - only when you struggle you do see truth, it is always ugly and it changes you from what you were yesterday to what you are today. It teaches you a lot, every experience when you reflect later, changes the course of your being. You thread ahead carefully and are cautious, the risk taking capacity is decreased.

So I struggle to see my tomorrow, maybe today with not so happy heart but with a hope that someday it will change :)