Monday, August 25, 2008

A perception....

I think it takes time to adjust to life, and it takes practice and tolerance to probably live it. There are so many difficulties that at various points of time you just want to give up. It’s a thin line when it comes to becoming a miserable person. I have many problems of my own probably others might have even bigger but to me they are mine to handle.

How do u proceed? I think to me death is like the ultimate end at least for the suffering than yourself, it’s called the easy way out. I think death is never sudden, every time that u make some mistake or go through some traumatic experience, a piece of your heart the ultimate survival engine losses a piece. Death comes when there is nothing left to give..why some people die early is probably because of this. They loose all the pieces so early in life that they just cannot go on living. The pieces are often broken by your loved ones, whom you care about the most because they are the people who matter to you most of all. You try to be unattached but I guess it’s human nature that you always get attached.

When you think you are about to get love for an attachment you are actually being cursed by the endless hurt. Today I figure when I will anyone close to me will die what will I do even if that person does not even feel the same way. It’s like tuning on each door, knocking it and getting no response. It makes you feel unwelcome in the world. Even though you put up a happy face you always cry on the inside.

Why do we say we need someone because to be alone is so painful. It’s like you are all alone in a room with nothing and just silence which drives you wild .There is no one who fends for you. No matter how much you give love to the world there will always be someone who hates you and doesn’t want you to be around.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Romance or the idea of it

Romance how does one perceive it. Is it a feeling or an emotion or maybe even just a sense close to a feeling of anxiety that our brain calculates. We all at one point of time think what romance is we categorize ourselves as being a romantic or as according to some people they may not be a romantic.
What is romance? Is it our dreams or fantasies that we build up to probably take us away from the reality of our lives. If you ask me I think no one actually carries the real meaning of love in mind. It’s just a preconceived idea that is embellished into the mind of people. We watch probably thousands of movies and come out from out of them all mushy eyed and with a sense of happiness or sorrow. Why do we connect with the character in a movie whilst we find it difficult to connect with people who are around us each day and everyday?
I often read a romantic novel like a book of mills and boon and get so involved in the story that I actually visualize the story or in a way for some people maybe even play the character that you read in your head. Some characters hold so much persona and grace and a kind of enigma that’s it’s so hard to let them go. How can you get so involved in feeling, hurting and loving all the same time?
It is so often that we criticize what ever we feel is not right according o our standards do we ever stop and ask the other people what they conceive of it. They say that everyone finds their true love or at least wish for it dearly. It has often occupied my mind. It’s great when people find the love of their lives. How do they feel? Can they define it in words? I have never been in love myself but I often feel how it would be.
To think of that one person, the other half of your soul as they say. It might have been described beautifully in a poem or maybe a song and when you read or listen to these you might for a second there connect with the writer. For just that one split second do you really think that you were romanticized by the thought of somebody else’s love story?
In today’s world of growing connection and I’d say better communication methods the new technologies that are there for us to exploit, does the concept of love and romance still exist. It’s a questions I have pondered over for quite sometime now and what I feel even I don’t know. I have seen so many cases of broken homes, broken marriages, broken families that I no longer know what to think or what to say. It’s like everyday we have a different sight, a different mind and different thoughts.
When I read incredible works of various people, I somehow feel connected. It’s like you have been joined together by that one single thread that has been spun by the author or the writer and you don’t even figure out that in what way you have connected with the countless faces through that one single thread. You seem to be with so many people together at the same time who might be reading the same material or might have read it and had almost the same or maybe exact feeling that you have at that point of time. Is that you connect with people when you first meet them and converse with them and then how do you feel when you have the same interested share the same hobbies. Why do you feel that you have found someone and why do you begin to trust them.
Perception they say is singularly based, it is individualistic and probably even one of it’s kind. Then what is it that makes you connect with the people who think same like you. How can you then be called an individual and how can you be different? Why do people differ in their capabilities or their talents or their strengths and weaknesses, is it genetic, how do we know?
Similarly being together, what kind of feeling that arouse in one. Hell even I don’t know, sometimes it’s that restless feeling sometimes it’s entirely something different. Then how can you differentiate between that feeling and love. We often mistake love with other feelings and then land up in a huge mess, crying our eyes out. How do you react then how do you survive. According to Darwin, survival of the fittest was the base of his theory. Did it work? According to some yes it did. Others were always there to criticize.
Why are there two sides of a coin? Why do good and evil exit together, why do love and hurt survive together. Us humans are capable such a varied amount of emotion that it scares me sometimes to even think about it. We adapt, we change, we ignore, we connect, we laugh, we hurt, we live and we die. Ignorance is the greatest gift given to man. Makes you hurt, makes you give a damn.
There are so many topics that I have in my mind right now that I can just go on and on writing. But I think I’ll stop for today. Give way to tomorrow to come up with new thoughts and more sorrows.