Tuesday, May 31, 2011
A silent prayer!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Heart & Soul!

What can I do to make my heart stop believing,
What can I do to make my soul stop hurting,
Its so hard sometimes, and sometimes seems so easy,
But I know now its not cause my heart wont stop believing.
You did me wrong, over and over,
Picked and dropped me like I was a loner,
It hurt me then and hurts me now,
Broken hearted but still the hope wont die down!
I tell myself everyday,
How you are no good for me anyway,
But then I don’t know why,
Even god wont stop showing me signs.
I think it’s a penance that am suffering,
Don’t know what I did to deserve this thing,
All I wanted was you to love me,
Instead you made a fool of me.
Played with me, toyed with me,
And all this while all I did was allow you to do it to me,
Even now when I know the truth,
Know that you are in her arms,
Saying her name like you did mine,
Hold her hand like you did mine,
All my heart will do is just wish it was still mine.
I know its wrong, I know it’s ended,
I just want you to go away forever,
So that the hurt will not get me,
I want to forget your existence,
I want to forget what you put me through,
To forget that I love you,
To forget that you said you did too!!
Friday, May 6, 2011
**Shining Star**

Sitting all alone,
as I watch the sun set,
watching silhouettes form.
A slight breeze blows by,
I look up onto the sky,
Just one star that twinkles away.
The story is the same,
When you look at the sky,
Even in the clusters,
that single star shines.
How it yearns to be with other,
Ignoring it's self,
Loosing it's identity,
To meld with someone else.
And then one day comes,
When a bond breaks,
When a single tear escapes,
And it's back to being lonely again!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
That’s the exact thought that I have been having for the past couple of days. I mean WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE! I have witnessed in the last two years things which I thought would never happen, atleast to me. All my confidence in humanity has been officially lost!
All I see is how people are becoming more and more selfish, greedy and have no respect of how others feel by the things they do or for that matter how it affects them. It’s so unimaginable but still it happens. People do it all the time, relationships ends, friendships end..and that’s all we are left with. Feeling of bitterness, hate..just imagine someone you could not live without suddenly become the one you don't want to see.....EVER!
How people lose their perspective and how they manipulate the things and people around them for what….a few min, days,months, years…what is left of them in the end. Do they ever get back those feelings they lost, the people they lost, the memories that they could have made.
At what price are we sacrificing our humanity, our values , our morals. I think its time we take a step back and think where are we heading!