So as promised I present the 32 days of fun filled stuff which made realise just how lucky I am. You know when you are at a point when you hit rock bottom but that tiny voice says "FIGHT", that's one this challenge happened to me.
As I prepared myself to start the challenge, my spirits soared high, birds sounded chirpy, I could hear the rustle of leaves, the cool breeze, suddenly I started focusing on the little things.
The change that I see in myself - I want to be happy..there are moments, people, memories who make you sad but to over come it is the best feeling. There were days when you want to give up but then I am lucky I guess because there were people to cheer me on and help me get my moment.
Conclusion: i want to give happiness, I want to do it not because of a challenge but because of the love, joy and respect that I see in their eyes. i have strengthened my bonds forever now than more and I am thankful, grateful for it.
I love music, there is nothing better to make you feel happy, sad, disoriented, disappointed or nostalgic. This song is just amazing. Jess Glynn does have one of the most powerful voices today, the lyrics totally how I feel..such a connect!! |
This was the first day that I had started the challenge, there were so many that I actually could not decide till this rickshaw guy came along. In short - one of the best bumper stickers that should not be told but implemented. Even though its sad that it is supposed to be inbuilt and still is not. |
haha this was the best..we are crazy people..I mean ok we all have our share of personal baggage but when we meet at lunch to quote a frnd - "we can talk about Gandhi, female problems and food etc etc in the same conversation without bouts of laughter which creates mad ambiance. |
This was day two...what can I say..good food, good company and office politics discussions ..enough said! |
Ahhhh weddings...its amazing that such a celebration even though it might not be yours can help you find your happy moment. The best part of wedding for me - dressing up, fun, food and dance!! |
ok this had to put mom is at my sisters 6 months of living without home cooked food was killing me. Thankfully I have family n friends who love me * bats lashes* and made me feel at home. My family did not let me feel alone and I ended up spending most of my time at their place which was soooo much fun! |
Hehe one of those days where you have to..I repeat have to follow beauty procedures to look pretty! |
Wow this is Farheen maam, always happy and she teaches you so many things, I thought i had troubles, her husband passed away in a car accident in march of this year at Holi and looking at her you see the pain in her eyes but never in her demeanor. She is still the same, not bitter or scorned and keeps joking around as if everything is fine. She still cries when we talk and am happy to share her memories, proud actually. This day she was talking about all the funny pregnancy issues and made me laugh so much.... I love her spirit! |
awww office colleague bought her son to office and he could not resist my charms ..heh! Such a cute baby, remembered my own lil devils when I held him! |
Spontaneous Road trip to Haridwar...wooooww..such serenity...such wonder! |
Am crazy..I know ur thinking it...But yes I am..and I need more of these! look how pretty!!!! |
Like you must have guessed am crazy about girlie stuff..I have this huge collection of flowers that you can put in your hair very funky very bohemic and quite good at fetching compliments. |
There is nothing, I mean nothing that can take away the beauty of rural's going back to your roots..literally!! |
This is a friend...she is finally getting married to the guy she wanted to get married to. Such a happy day...after all the hardships...happy ending..who is not happy when they hear about happy endings! |
amazing weather, good company and pakora...chai was missing...hehe |
My sisters are the best. There is no question to this fact...I am bday's coming up so guess what I like the attention and the gifts :p |
My mom...miss her so much...well not for long gonna be with her sooooooonnnn |
awww my school friend had a baby girl..after 30 hours of labor (halleluiah), there she was 2.9 kgs cute as a bundle and a soaring attitude hehe |
Mad fun with cousins...we could not stop laughing that my mamu actually had to threaten us that he will chuck us out of the car if we didn't stop. |
After slogging the entire day..and completely forgetting my happy moment I called my friend in panic that I need my moment we all ended up at her place, hungry and ready to dish out lots of dirt and laugh our hearts out...whhatta day! |
So my cuz had been unwell for most part of her 12th and she cried like crazy when the results were declared. So to cheer her up..I thought hard and then surprised her. |
I love plants and flowers, this one died completely and I (mainly) my Gardner brought it back to life... |
I am skillful to say the of which is making people look good...haha so gave a makeover...she is happy so was I ! |
How weird it is that you meet some people and instantly connect, I met Neeru as she is my cuz's aunt. Born and brought up in London but still so Indian at heart,we only met a couple of times but have connected so much its just fun when I am with her. She is a beautiful person, inside and out..been through so much and I guess that;s what makes her beautiful..she cherishes the happy times and never takes things for granted. |
Meeting gari after getting yelled at, screamed and abused lol...I know I should be more regular with meeting friends but her am only one small (big) person lol...But as usual, heart to heart conversations and shopping does have its perks...what a night! |
Binta masi and shreya..two of my fav people...they are just unique in their own way. Masi is just the funniest and like a best friend that you have. Shreya lol well we met in Bangalore on an event.. an we connected so well and we've been besties ever since...we have shared so much..heartaches, passions, happy moments, the birth of her baby and of course our crazy talks. |
another gift...yeahhh..its MK...awestruck!!!! |
Shoppping...enough said...Man the book confessions of a me!! |
I love my work and it shows I guess. I am very passionate about what I do...there is a sense of achievement and satisfaction I get when I see happy faces :) |
hahah another one of our epic lunches,,,,lets not even got the mango much fun ... |
HUGH JACKMAN!!!! * exits to dream* |
Latest one...a frnd had just got back from Paris and heading out to day window and we use it well.. Bought a new MAC...omg I can die its so hot...amazing food..BIG CHILL will soon give me loyalty card haha and gup shup and times |
The best part about this challenge I think is that if the entire day you do not a moment which makes you happy... you want to create it!
Will see you with more next month!!!!
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