Sunday, February 26, 2017

Back to School!

Writings on the board,
The saree clad teacher spoke,
The marvel of edification,
How we pick to acquire what we know.

Treaded back in time,
Amongst beings thirsty for culture,
There sat some captivated listeners,
Ready to embark on a new endeavor.

Back to school I go,
Brain needs to feed some more,
To add value to my life,
To witness the world with new eyes.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Har Har Mahadev!

There is something about Shiva that intrigues you. I mean he is the most kick-ass, a stoner, super chilled out, rock and roll-ish God of Indian mythology and especially after reading Meluha series, I think I've fallen for him pretty bad (in the godliest of ways of course), but I have. Shivratri is celebrated in so many ways and it is quite a revered festival. There are so many ways to observe it and since it being an all-nighter affair (in which we binge watch old Hindi God movies), it pretty much is awesome (and I don’t mean it because you get to feast on bhaang after).

I’ve been attending Shivratri since I was five and I’ve never really written about the experience of it. I mean imagine that you get a movie marathon and authorized weed after an all-night party, could it be any cooler? I think not! As we all know, there are four prehars, in which Shiva is worshipped and basically prepped up to get married by the third, when married women pray for their husbands and single women pray for a husband like Shiva. The entire process of the puja, where I attend it is done as per vedic protocols and that my friends is so tranquil. So, we have the start of the puja (each prehar has a different name of Shiva that needs to be recited), which is followed by a havaan and then pushpanjali and aarti. This happens the entire night as per the mahurat timings and finally after the last prehar we technically open the fast with bhaang drink and bhaang pakoras.

For me, Shivratri began from understanding and learning about the process of celebrating it. The feeling is amazing because frankly I haven’t seen anyone else do this in such a large scale except big temples so I guess I am lucky that I get to undergo it first hand and share this knowledge and event with others. So much of what our traditions are made of is being forgotten and if there is knowledge out there about it why shouldn’t we absorb it and use it for our benefit.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


When you associate with a person or an organization, you undertake a journey. Anything that lays an imprint on your heart will leave a scar or a mark (pleasant or otherwise) on your mind. I’ve always been the one who used to opt for small projects, finish them and move on to learning new things that gave me a different perspective. In more than 9 years of my working life, I have realized that I have made more human connections as well as gained knowledge, seems kind of lucky right. 

Farewells are not an easy part of life yet we are aware of how important new beginnings are, even though many a times they bring along with them a sense of discomfort and anxiety. The constant push of life is experienced truly only when you embrace change. Human beings are programmed to find structure in things, be it in relationships or life in general. The hardest part still remains that we end up not spending time and physical proximity with the people we have bonded with. 

At the start of this year, I promised myself new beginnings and all for better causes. I didn’t imagine the impact of my resolution will bring forth a sense of heartache yet again. Saying goodbye to someone is the hardest thing to do, even though you know that you will remain associated with them for all your life. Five years, I guess is the period of change that life forces on me every single time. Even though it always is the hardest to cope with, I left another home today and my heart broke again. All of that strength just tumbles and you are overwhelmed with emotion when you realize what you mean to someone and what they mean to you. 

My recent ex- job (heh) had been such a home for me for five years, even though I’ve loved every minute of this crazy journey, and found people who will always hold a special place in my heart and a permanent place in my life, but sometimes you just know you have to move on. Personal growth maybe great but it leaves you with a sense of the strength you need badly in order to branch out in your life. Five years of hard work, laughter attacks, smiles, so much food and alcohol, tears and even anger, all was brought out again with the memories that people shared with me on my last day at work. From people who I never thought were close to me, had tears in their eyes, and it left me overwhelmed. The gifts and the hugs and all the special treatment by every single member of my office was heart warming.

My immediate boss (ex), gave a heart wrenching farewell speech that brought tears in all our eyes. I will never forget how she held my hand throughout, kept kissing my hand and blessed me. You don’t really need an accolade when your work is appreciated by others who know and encourage you and know that you are deserving of much more. It's so rewarding to know how highly they think of you as a person. It touches you, that all your gestures, however minuscule, they were accepted and acknowledged and will be missed immensely. 

All the good wishes, small gestures like any gift that they give as per their capacity or any short speeches delivered about you, or lunches given to you or hell made you feel special in any way, they all make a difference. It truly makes a difference knowing that your presence will be missed. It need not be said at times though but shown in how hugs linger a little bit longer or when people go out of their way to make you know how they feel about you. It changes you when you know that you’ve earned love and respect, you've earned your place in their lives. And this my friend is worth remembering.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Talent Reloaded

Kids these days are smart, smarter than we were when we were their age and I guess we all agree with that statement. I'm that crazy aunt, I've realized who is so proud of her kids (more than their parents I think). I'm very very fond of kids and there is something about us, we click with each other too and after raising so many I feel so proud when any of them does well. 

The feeling is so amazing when they randomly declare that they love you, when they see you and how they run to you, kiss you with both their hands on your cheeks and hug the lights out of you or when they especially invite you to see their performance in their school sports day. For one, you are proud to see your child learning new things and excelling at them and on the other hand at least I was in complete awe of all the young and emerging talent that put a brilliant show for us. These weren't even big kids but nursery to 5th grade and the amount of talent that emanated from this ground was spectacular

And you know the best part, is the smile that catches their lips and hands that frantically wave when they spot you in the audience knowing that you are watching them and at that very moment the happiness that engulfs you is am very sure every parent's or guardian's one of most cherished memories which they experience at some point in their life or more. A truly enriching experience!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

A Day of Love!

Well, I'm a fan of being thoughtful and this day is just one of those days where you show someone how much they mean to you. People keep saying that it's no big deal or whatever but I say that it's a chance for you to share or express how you feel about a person. We often in the run of life forget to do that and this day just as quickly becomes a passé.

This day I wanted to spend with the people who really, truly love me and me them. They love me for me for all the quirky things I do, for all the days I'm insufferable and for all the days am down in the dumps, or loving and living my life like a crazy person, these guys are the ones who are there. It was the best day, to be treated by someone who you know has no hidden agenda behind loving you. They are not after anything, no illusions, no lust just plain unadulterated blissful love. This is the kind of love we all hope for.

Everyone I met today made me feel special in their own way by (gifting stuff, flowers, a great dinner and company) and the best lesson that they leave you with is the validation that you need to keep such people in your life who help you grow and love you for who you are. The honesty in all that love is what takes away every hurt that is ever delivered to you. You end up realizing that such lessons are necessary as they help you become a better version of you. Look at all the effort everyone did to just see me smile, how is THIS not a perk, to be surrounded by people who matter so much to you and you to them. So, thanks cupid for bringing me such an amazing set of people.