Monday, November 7, 2016

Ass Much

I read a post from sometime in 2015 that made me realise that twitter for me was a fun place and more of a creative space to explore without inhibition, a little bit of tolerance and a whole lot of sharing and communication of ideas.

There was a tweet that I had written which lead to so much fun with Toasty and Locustiya which made me think that it should be on mine as well so here goes some creative words courtesy us :) 

  1. Bunghole
  2. Dillhole
  3. Pickle-pen
  4. Kimcode
  5. Butt Burglars
  6. Buttinsky
  7. Assmunch
  8. Buttmunch
  9. Buttknocker
  10. Tender-den
  11. Buttringer
  12. Fartknocker
  13. Bubblebuster
  14. Poopmouth
  15. Shitpot
  16. Buttmonkey
  17. Bazooka-launcher
  18. Turparade
  19. Buttwiser
  20. Poopchute
  21. Thunderingcheeks
  22. Buttcheek squish
  23. KYellysquisher
  24. Analcalypse now
  25. The Fart Knight
  26. Shitville horros
  27. Holey Grail
Hehe...Fun times!

1 comment:

deeps said...

thats really fun time