"Too much has happened between us for us to ever happen. I don't want another chance in another lifetime or this knowing that you will hurt me." This is the only thing I want to tell him. The words weigh so heavy on my soul. They pull my heart under the burden of melancholy.
It's amazing how people are capable of hurting another person who genuinely cared for them. The simple world is selfish. So many times have we heard it and yet we are here reading and writing stories of how our heart was broken. But think this, how many stories are we going to write or read to make us really stop hurting another. Aren't there so many already to set precedence to the fact that we shouldn't be breaking or rather treating someone's heart like it doesn't matter.
If power or money corrupts a person so, that they think its okay even in passing that it's fine to play with hearts, I don't want to be associated with either. When I look back, and think about him, I just think about one thing. Knowing his agenda and plans I still want to understand how can anyone be so cruel towards someone who loved him. To be merry and live a content life while causing pain and knowing the extent of the pain given. I cannot forget the smile on his face that I saw when I was crying in agony. How even a single tear, didn't matter to him. That is his memory that will always remain within me.