Monday, January 2, 2017

A Call to Creativity

Somewhere in the complexities of our lives, we are often driven away from a lot of things that we liked to do because we start to prioritize other important things or sometimes just waste time overthinking about things that shouldn't matter. Creativity is what brings value to your life along with motivation to really go ahead and explore what your hands and mind can do. As new year resolutions go, I decided to reinvest in creative side. 

Creativity has no limit, we've been taught this, we've heard about it and we have even seen examples of it. It's an umbrella of so many hobbies that one cannot really choose what arena to explore with it. As was my resolutions, I've been procrastinating about getting into a new hobby. Primarily, because there is just so much happening in my life at the moment that I cannot fathom spending time or rather dedicate allocated time to a new activity. Which is why, I had a brilliant thought. Why not finish what I started. Since, that's lately been the theme of my life, I wanted to revisit the hobby of working with craft. I used to do many things as a kid and then adult happened, which was still okay but then internet happened, who can escape that?

As the mandatory activity of spring cleaning began, letting go of stuff I no longer have use of happened on a full scale and somewhere between cleaning out junk and finding priceless things, I found some of my work that was left somewhere in between, forgotten and buried with the daily humdrum of life, secluded sitting in a corner and not getting any of my attention, one that it really deserves. There is a lot of my work that is displayed around my house, that includes paintings, glass painting, embroideries and so forth and some that was gifted by me or some like a glass painting I did as window treatment for some family friends. I used to love devoting time to really creating a beautiful pieces of work and then one day I just left this, most probably I grew out of it at that time.

I know I'm no Picasso, but I am proud of my work, some of  which is displayed here

I don't usually boast about all of my talents over social media or in life in general but my blog is a place where I can write whatever I want or feel and hence I don't restrict myself of any bragging rights. I find it to be rather liberating to be able to put into words what my mind thinks without even uttering a single word. Powerful! 

Just getting a glimpse of what was started and left stranded, motivated me in a way that probably wouldn't have before. What I have learnt from these last couple of months is that one should grab opportunities because while you keep waiting for the opportune moment to strike you, it often is too late. Following that pattern, all I want to do now is finish all my left over projects so that I can start some new ones with a renewed gusto.

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