Monday, April 11, 2016

A Spoken Melody!

Something awesome happens when you share the music that you like with someone else. You tend to pick the songs that have given you the best of feelings, made you cry, made you sway and have given you strength during tough times. A song is almost like a memory that you keep locked in always. When you share music, you tend to share a part of you with another. A secret message that you want to share with someone. Something that's hidden from the world, seen by everyone but only makes sense to one. It’s that one language that communicates in the best possible modus.  

It's always amazing to converse with someone who shares your love of music. Even better when they share your passion for almost the same artists or when they introduce you to a world where you get to pick some new tunes, varying genres and definitely intense emotions. How they add on to your knowledge and introduce you to new horizons is a marvel in itself. How they make you experience different shades of their persona and how they share a little bit of themselves too. Sometimes, if you're lucky enough, you get to see the deepest parts of their soul. Revel in the maze of their mind. How you get to know about their moods, their likes and dislikes. 

There is so much talent in this world. So many songs for every occasion, every turn, every curve of life that presents itself. Just so many resonances, descants that engulf you and capture you in a state of trance. A state where you are surrounded by harmonious beats, lyrics that make sense to your core and you are lost into whatever mirage that the songs help appear. It's just that glorious world around you and them. That's such an intimate experience to share with someone. 

This is the power of music. This is the power of melody. This is the power of conversation. This is the power of similar minds. 

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