Saturday, December 31, 2016

Goodbye 2016!

Wow, this year went by really fast and trust me I'm so glad that it did. Every year, I write something to remember the year by, you know when I'll look back at it, I'll remember what it meant for me and as I was reading this article on some website, I knew instantly that this is how I wanted to write this year off. A brilliant concept actually, a list of questions that sums up my 2016 pretty well. So, here goes nothing.

1. What made you feel the most alive this year?

Taking a trip with friends and really exploring the hell out of a place and myself. Experiencing life the way its meant to be lived, living the good life, the mediocre and the thug life.

2. How did you surprise yourself in 2016?

I FINALLY got a tattoo. I thought I never would have the courage to get it but I did and I’m glad I did it. 

3. What did you do this year that you regret?

Kissed a guy who I wasn't even that much into, wasn't that great a kiss either. Kept on taking shit for a very long time. Undermined my worth, took a chance again with a wrong person, wasted a lot of tears on someone who will never ever be sorry for his actions.

4. What made you cry the hardest this year?


5. Which friends have been there for you the most in 2016?

P & M

6. What are you most grateful for as this year draws to a close?

I finally learned the value of people who really love me, discovered myself, changed myself, opened myself to new experiences. I’ve grown this year, a lot, in all aspects of my life.

7. Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?

Happier that I finally found some peace, sad because I listened to my heart and trusted the wrong person, again. So, basically pretty Switzerland as of now.

8. What did you do to take care of yourself this year?

P   Pampered myself like crazy, went after my goals, got help, started investing in myself more.

     9. Where was the best place you traveled to this year?

     Goa, without a doubt.
10. What did you do for the first time in 2016?
 I prioritized myself.
11. What did you do for the last time in 2016?
 Smoked, hopefully have quit it all together.
12. Which days from 2016 will you never forget?
 Months actually - September to November, truly changed me.
13. What did you accomplish this year that you’re proud of?

I’m almost done with my resolutions. I read a lot this year. I sorted a lot of things out (need a little more time). Picked up my old hobbies. Enrolled myself in a creative writing course. Completed my MBA. Did adventure sports. Explored a place by myself. Tried to right a wrong. Did charity. 
14. Who did you need to forgive this year?
 J & B
15. What were you most afraid of this year?
 Not being able to survive after having my heart shattered, again.
16. How did life surprise you this year?

I’ve had tremendous bad phases and I stood my ground, rose higher and faced the truth, head on. I didn’t think I would have the strength, but I did. My courage and strength surprised me.
17. How was this year better than 2015?
Got out of the clutches of a narcissist and finally did what I really wanted to do since a very long time. I was finally not manipulated by declarations of fake "I Love You"s.
18. How was this year worse than 2015?
I had to face a lot of harsh circumstances. Heart shattered again. Increased responsibility. 

19. Who did you miss the most over the past year?

My old self. My babies.
20. What was the most valuable thing you spent money on this year?
21. What did you waste too much money on this year?
Shopping, ended up hoarding all sorts of stuff but I love it.
22. How did you spend your birthday this year?
With my babies, family and friends. Felt truly blessed and of course loads of gifts is always a plus.
23. What was the best book you read in 2016?
Hey, I'm a bibliophile so these are the ones I really liked - Subtle Art of not Giving a Fuck, The Pilgrimage, The Zahir, Mind Platter, Chaos of the Stars, The Cyber Effect and Data Love.
24. What do you wish you’d spent more time doing this year?
Learning and attaining knowledge, spending more time with family and friends.
25. What do you wish you’d spent less time doing?
Over thinking and crying.
26. What made you the angriest in 2016?
Figuring out someone's deception.
27. When did you feel the most at peace this year?
When I visited a children’s home this year. There was so much love that was needed and the warmth I felt and the hugs I craved were all I got from there.
28. What is the biggest risk you took in 2016?
I followed my gut.
29. What made you laugh the hardest this year?
Good times with friends and there were a LOT.
30. What ended for you in 2016?
One sided relationships.
31. What began for you in 2016?
New me.
32. What song will always remind you of this year?
Cold water - Major Lazer and Justin Beiber
33. How did this year differ from the way you thought it would go?
I was better. I managed to achieve quite a lot. I pushed myself.
34. How would you describe your personal style over the past year?
It’s improved a lot, I still love bling though. I have my own style, am comfortable in it and even though I doubted it at one point, clear indications and lots of people complimenting me cleared all doubts.
35. Who in your life did you look up to the most this year?

No one actually. I realized everyone is dealing with some shit. It's your own strength that you should inculcate and that will make the most out of you. It will help you endure.
36. Which quote best sums up the past year for you?

The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind ~ Caroline Myss
37. Did you fall in love this year?
No, I got out of it, nearly there.
38. Did your heart break this year?
39. What was your favorite TV show in 2016?
Black Mirror
40. Which (if any) new years resolutions did you keep this year?
Most of them.
41. Which (if any) new years resolutions will you be making for next year?
Will have to think about this to be honest.
42. What disappointed you the most in 2016?
That love failed me, yet again.
43. Who did you rely on the most in 2016?
44. Who might you owe an apology to at the end of this year?
No one.
45. How did you grow as a person over the past year?

I became more compassionate. I learned a lot of things and the primary one being, never say never. I know it takes a lot to stay true to yourself and handle yourself in times where the mind is weak and the heart sways. I became extra thoughtful towards people who love me. 
46. What made you feel the most stuck this year?
Trying to fall out of love and at the same time making sense of a lot of things. It's very tough to be honest to bury your feelings for someone. It takes a lot of effort to forgive people who tried to get away with hurting you. It's the hardest though to forgive yourself.
47. What made you feel the most inspired this year?
Reading books and listening to people talk about their stories about strength, courage, forgiveness, letting go and love.
48. If you could go back and give yourself a single piece of advice on the first day of 2016, what would it be?
Look before you leap.
49. What’s the most important thing you learned this year?
Don't assume that people have the same heart as yours. A good support system will help you survive anything. Value yourself and people who love, care and are there for you.
50. What do you hope will be different for you by this time next year? 
I might not look at love without hope because for someone who believes in love, I've always questioned love after being proven wrong.

Phew, this was quite a heavy year on the heart and the mind. Hopefully 2017 will be kind to me. Hope this year brings me whatever that I desire. 

Happy New Year Folks!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Family Traditions!

Every family has some traditions and mine is no different. The traditions are specified as per festivities, celebrations and then new ones are added to add on to the already listed ones. I want to write series of this post specifically for my babies. These are the S family traditions and since they are adding their own, they might want a ready reference to carry forth. Even though my sisters have branched out into their own little tree, maybe someday I might too and this post is for that time as well. A memory for us all written in well, Verdana on my blog. Doesn't it sounds so digital? Phew, so here goes (All IP rights belong to the S family!). 

Strangely enough over the time we've adopted Christmas as our own festival. Being in a convent school, Christmas was anyways always was such a big deal. I remember we all used to be so geared up for decorating the class and oh the Christmas parties we used to have followed by a holiday (good times). It's all so festive around Christmas, there is just this air full of faith and hope. You know things are better and they will just be getting better. You are ready to close a year and all that came with it and it's like a mini celebration to enter into the next year with a lot of extra weight. 

Christmas usually begins early in the S household, we like to dress the tree and keep it for a couple of months. Trust me there is nothing better at times is to just sit next to the twinkling lights with a glass of malt wine and just be amazed at all the wonder of tiny and beautiful ornaments that just make you happy. Following the doing up the Christmas tree bit, which is such a tiring job, you scream for a massage after.  

Perfect Christmas morning usually begins by me baking a cake, sleeping in and like last minute checks for the party. This time however it was almost a God sent sign, You've Got Mail was on as i was snuggled up eating the fruits of my labour. Christmas parties are a favourite amongst my family. We go to this party every year since I can remember and there is this gorgeous spread of food and display of Jesus, that almost every time makes me want to convert to Christianity. Anyways other than the food, Secret Santa gifts are shared or shipped and opened. Because of the time difference, I get to spend Christmas twice and it's a fun time watching the kids open their presents on Christmas morning even if it's over facetime. Over three phones, a lot of laughter, gifts exchange and virtual hugs and kisses are given and, we do really celebrate Christmas as a family!

Friday, December 23, 2016

Food Bazaar

Just when you promise yourself that you will be adventurous, the first thought that comes into the minds of many is to look up an adventure sports or maybe something that is very unlike them, just so they can prove to themselves that they did something so out of character. Most people however forget the one basic thing which is not listed in the list of adventure sports and that is exploring food. Yes, you heard me right. Food is such an important part of us that just like that family member who is often taken for granted, we forget about incredibly adventurous experience exploring food can be. 
It's a great opportunity to be a part of a food festival. Trust me, you get to explore the diversity of various cultures, you discover so much about their food habits, their lifestyle and if you love to cook like I do, a new recipe to try out. So let's begin this culinary journey, shall we? 

We started from the land of Bollywood, the famous Vada pav, native to Maharashtra. Who doesn't like deep fried potatoes and chillies? It is one of the most loved street foods that is almost like a comfort food. It takes it's roots from Giragaon, where a vendor started this little heavenly food. 
It's almost like Delhi has accepted all the good things, Mumbai has given us Bhelpuri.  The tangy crunch that this snack provides is one of the best ways to beat the hunger.

Ah! Hyderabad. The land of nawabi cuisine and desserts. This is their version of bread pudding and it was so sweet that you may just develop diabetes getting a glimpse of it. So, definitely a must for the taste buds.

Our very own Jalebi, the dessert of the rain gods. How can you not eat this and when teamed with rabri, it's SIN.

I'm quite a foodie and I like the company of people who like to explore different tastes and cuisines. I once had Litti Choka and man o man, I was totally blown. It's such a simple and yet a tasty treat that is nutritious too. So, it's obvious why we HAD to revisit Bihar.

Am almost a psesudo bong and when the call of steamed fish in mustard sauce beckons you, you gotta answer it dude!
I once had a really bad experience with north eastern food and ever since then I stick to momos (though these were so horrid, like tasting raw flour with sulky vegetables that one was enough).

Can you even guess what this is? Roller ice-cream, yeah..this fruit ice-cream with real fruit pulp is needed to be had. Everyone keeps telling you to eat more fruits anyway, right? :p

Okay, we need to eat more fruits and what better way to cleanse your palate than to indulge in some juicy pineapple.

Who does not like, buddhi ke baal..yup that's what we used to call this candy when we were kids. Still such a treat!

Even though, the fair was huge and a lot of things could have been had, you need stomach space and a whole lot of Eno to digest all this. But nonetheless, a trip to be made to this food festival whenever it comes next.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


What happens when one day you are shown the path that you are supposed to walk on. What if it's different than anything you ever wanted? It seems so forced upon you because even though you know that's what you have to do, you don't want to. There comes a time in your life that you stop feeling things with intensity. Why? I often questioned this but I don't anymore. It's because we are so scared that if we feel things with depth again we might not make it out or survive whatever it is that we are trying to overcome. Often and not I throw myself into a lot of work. It's better to keep yourself so occupied that your mind can only think of productive things, else if it settles into one place, overthinking begins and soon there is a shower of memories, that haunt you like that persistent poltergeist.

We as adults are becoming adept in settling in or better yet forgetting things that make it very hard for us to get our inner self back. We have taught ourselves to be poised and so we forget to be wild. We have accepted the timid pace of life where we all dwell sulking.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Just Another Beer Day!

Ah my fellow beer lovers! I bring you another review of yet another brewery. This growing culture has a lot to offer to the stress filled youth of today. You need to vent, grab a beer. You need to have fun, grab a beer. You need some solace, grab a beer. Beer is now quite an integral part of our culture and why should it not be? It's always great that we imbibe other cultures and we are now a grub-pubbing generation, with beer bellies and yummy food on a stick.

The brewery we checked out this time is called Downtown. Again the ambiance was so similar to the other two that it hardly gave you a feeling that you have visited a new place. Moreover, the brew was the same - light, medium and dark. 

Now creating beer is an art though one which surely we need to work on. Out of the three breweries that I have visited, the taste of the beer has been exactly similar. There has been no change what so ever. I mean this is one aspect of Indians I detest, this herd mentality of theirs. I mean here you are with a brilliant opportunity to create something new and yet all you can do is just repeat what the next guy is doing. How sad is that?

Cannot comment on the food as we just had masala peanuts which were umm mediocre. Anyway, being winters and all, one can always thank old monk to come to the rescue to make your heart a soul a little warm. The only hope now is that I get to experience a whole new brewery and some amazing beer.

So, Park your asses down and grab a beer!

Friday, December 16, 2016

An Impression!

Image Courtesy Pinterest

As she gazed through her lens,
She noticed straight lines turning to smiles,

As she peered through her lens, 
She saw how it fetched a gleam in their eyes,

As she watched through her lens,
She saw the hues turn intense,

As she viewed through her lens,
She saw affections impassioned and transfixed,

As she observed through her lens,
She saw all the delightful shades of time,

As she considered through her lens,
She saw the world with a renewed standpoint,

As she looked through her lens,
She saw how just an image achieved to encapsulate life’s spirit divine.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Hidden Talents!

Another work of mine got launched today and even though I know the credit is never given where it's due, it's done. MPV has launched, finally though I'm sad that I couldn't get to do the final editing of it (OCD has hit again as I see some errors). It's always a very proud moment for me when I see my work doing some good. In a way it reassures me that I am somehow contributing to the world. 

Hard work is something that really can make you tiresome of all the struggle that some of us have to go through. It's easier just to maybe cheat and maybe present some mediocre work and say that you've done your best. It really is a harsh reality that even when you give your 100% to something, not more than 60% of it comes back to you but if you don't give it your all, are you even doing justice to yourself?

It often enrages me that I don't get my dues and all of my sweat and blood that goes into my work does not give me the credit that is due to me and trust me that even though it hurts, it always leaves me with what I've learned.  

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Sunny Day!

Winter is a time to hibernate and have a sunny outing. Every winter we promise ourselves to not turn into a bear and that means FAT and FURRY, but all those resolutions that lead us to a healthier lifestyle goes for a toss when you have a picnic planned, which in order to convene perfectly, needs a lot of work. Picnic is one of the best old-fashioned, simple, unique and fun ways to spend some quality time with your family and friends. Even though it may seem to a lot of people that a picnic is just about throwing some finger food together, heading to a park and eating it, it isn't so.  While picnics may seem nonchalant, a little bit of creativity and some effort goes a long long way.

Picking a picnic spot in a city like Delhi does not leave you with a lot of options. There is just so much concrete that surrounds you that its almost impossible to finding a spot that is good for the soul. The run of the mill option is of course Lodhi Garden, so that's where we head to. One of these days though I want to do some reiki of a nice romantic spot for picnic, it is one of the best ways to have a great and cozy date because obviously the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Coming back to kids though, choose a spot that is away from a lot of crowd and where you get to have some playtime with the kids, do carry some games to make the picnic worthwhile. 

A picnic basket should only have the yummiest of treats and beverages that everyone can enjoy, a little bit of treat for the adults can also be arranged, hidden of course. Find a spot that has a bit of scenic view for some gorgeous pictures and you are all set to go. Tips on the food - keep it simple and keep it delicious and most importantly, have the best time of your life!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Monsters Cry!

Image Courtesy Google

Who doesn’t like to watch movies? Wait; let me reframe this question – who does not like to watch monster movies? I’m a cinephile so I have to live up to the expectation of it. Agreed that in my lifetime, I may not have seen ALL the movies but I’m quite a movie buff (and that’s just putting it mildly). How can you not love the special effects, the sound effects and best part of it, the imagination!

We are a generation to be blessed with some of the greatest writers, movie makers and actors… at least we are alive in a generation where we know the best of both worlds, win-win, I think so. Monster movies aren't always about the gore. The best kind of weekends though that I personally love, comprise of ordering take out and sit cuddled up for a movie marathon. Quite on the contrary watching monster movies comforts the soul better. You get to choose any monster you want to watch, some who become your favourites and you just end up watching them over and over. I love horror genre as well, there is something very wicked about the supernatural (okay…I might sound a bit meh but hear me out) monster movies can be fun too. I mean a lot of people get scared, get traumatized, hell people even die while watching them. There is a certain charm that monsters have, some are cute, some are grizzly and most definitely hairy but hey who says that they don’t entertain!

Now the best part is that some movies really creep you out and some make you go WHAT THE FUCK in the night (or day) and some are just pure love (like the animated ones). I adore a good plot, to try to figure out just how it will end and usually am bang on. Just to catch a late night show that creeps the hell out of you is bliss!! As I was watching this monster movie I really wished someone would recommend some good movies. So, I decided to write a blog about it to help my fellow monster lovers get some suggestions. I’ll start with the recent ones, thought I really need to explore all the classics. The list is quite a mix here, so narrow it down as per your need. In no particular order here are some of my favorite monster movies that you ought to watch if you haven’t by now:

  1. Percy Jackson (both movies as of now) 
  2. Hocus Pocus
  3. Sindbad : Legend of Seven Seas
  4. The Golden Voyage of Sindbad
  5. Total Recall (1990 one, 2012 one is shit)
  6. Dracula
  7. Starship Troopers
  8. Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters
  9. Night of the Living Dead
  10. Edward Scissorhands
  11. Wrath of Titan (both movies)
  12. Frankenstein
  13. The Relic
  14. Spawn
  15. Not a fan of Jaws but Deep Blue Ocean is a great movie.
  16. Godzilla (1998 one)
  17. The Alligator ( even though I detest reptiles)
  18. Monsters v/s Aliens
  19. Gremlins
  20. The Mummy (Trilogy)
  21. Mimic
  22. Men in Black (Trilogy)
  23. Jurassic Park (All Four)
  24. Alien (Entire Series)
  25. Alien v/s Predators
  26. The mist (2007)
  27. Anaconda (Only the First one)
  28. The Fly
  29. Lord of the Rings (trilogy)
  30. Monster House
  31. Monsters Inc (both movies)
  32. Eight Legged Freaks
  33. The host
  34. Jeepers Creepers
  35. Nightmare on Elm Street
  36. ET
  37. Lake Placid (Only the First one)
  38. Krampus
  39. The Descent (Part 1 & 2)
  40. Tremors
  41. Hell Boy (both movies)
  42. Pitch Black
  43. Dragonslayer
  44. Event Horizon
  45. Ghostbusters (both old ones and latest one)
  46. Zombieland
  47. Independence Day ( the first one ONLY)
  48. Hotel Transylvania
  49. Daybreakers
  50. World War Z

Life in a Comic Strip!

Comics were the first set of doors we used to open up our creativity and imagination. There is that fight, the one between good and evil, closely followed by Marvel v/s DC, between some seriously good looking superheroes and menacing supervillians. That's what we've grown up on, heroes who we adore. We all have our favourites of course but the fight between Marvel and DC is unwinnable. I remember my first superhero comic and it just made me want to fight for good. It wasn't about the gimmicks and it sure as hell wasn't about the cool factor but more about the world of possibilities, a hope that things are bigger than me and reminders of how small I really am in this vast universe. We've all grown up reading our Captain America, Thor, Spiderman, Superman stories to Indian superheroes like Chacha Chaudhary, Shaktiman etc. but all of them have one thing in common, they all teach you to side with good. 

These magical comics open up a portal (apt, I know) of a world beyond our own. A land of fantasy that we get to actually live and talk about. Still they end up captivating us with a spell that cannot ever be taken off and what better forum to revisit the magic than attending the Comic Con. This was my first ever experience (a bit of let down) but it's good to see that Indians are catching the superheroes fever. It's not everyday that you get to see a bunch of 20 somethings dress up and assemble together to experience and appreciate this genre.

Anyhow, for this virginity of mine to be taken away from me, like all first times, this wasn't that great either. It was mostly advertisements and people dressed up in costumes (which some really worked hard on) but it was more like that circus photo booth you go to get your picture clicked. People were out there selling overpriced stuff which I guess is so typical that it has got to be the worst sales strategy ever. I'd have imagined Comic Con to be of little more substance with maybe some lectures, trivia handouts, live battle games, I mean so much can be done in such events. The only treat was the air of excitement that could be felt with every breath. I mean people took serious effort to make this happen.

Even though this year left me with a taste of comic con and a lust for more, I hope that next year will be a little easy and won't leave me sore.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Bowled Over!

I’ve always been the artistic kinds, the creative kinds. I would rather sit and explore my mind and the mind of others rather than break a muscle with them. Being adventurous has a varied meaning of sorts. Adventure sports being one category, exploring the side of you that you would have never considered otherwise is another. Now, I enjoy sports (not an enthusiast) but I can watch it and survive it. There are a couple of sports I love, volley ball being one, basket ball, football (sometimes) and cricket of course. I do find golf rather dull. But some fun sports are pool and of course bowling. 

A lot of people will be ready at the drop of a hat to debate whether bowling is a game or a sport, I say if it helps you move your ass and work your brain, it is a sport but I shall use the terms synonymously. It can be categorized as a hobby for a passionate bowler or a game for the distracted teenagers. Either way it is one of the most fun recreational activities there is. Even though I suck at it, I probably will only just get better at it with time. But there is so much information on bowling, almost as much as the fierce competition that comes in. To develop your own style, the bowling etiquette's (stinky shoes - PLEASE STOP), to bowling rules etc. etc. Hey! I’d rather write poetry about bowling, bet no one can beat me in that :p

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Being a Teacher!

Image courtesy Google

It's always a very weird feeling, when you stand across the table and look at the people/kids you are teaching. The first thought that enters into your mind is that you used to be one of them. As a sense of power prevails and just for a moment maybe you know what it felt for your teachers. That power however is not of authority, it is of knowledge, that leaves you hungry for more. The clueless eyes, waiting to be enlightened and the sense of understanding, the look of it, when you see on the faces of the individuals you are teaching often leaves you with a sense of achievement and great pride. I always used to love teaching, I used to dress up in mum's sarees and teach myself by writing on home boards or whenever we used to go to Ludhiana, I totally used to play teacher in nanu's school. In 12th standard, I received the best student teacher award and somehow I thought maybe this is my calling. To educate people, but just like everything else I could only pursue something till the time it does not begin to bore me. 

Now, often when I go as an examiner in a university, like I went today, It's a very strange feeling. The moment you enter into a classroom during an exam there is this tension that fills the room. Students heave and sigh, some panic, some look at each other, some shake and then you realise how difficult we make our lives. I used to be a very strict teacher, fun but when it came to teaching, I did my duty diligently. I was known as a terror where I taught apparently, but known to teach very well, kids actually wanted to study in my class and I guess that image was okay as long I was able to teach better and be known as a good teacher. Children used to opt to come to my class but over the years, I've mellowed down. Life tends to do that to you. It breaks you in ways that you never thought you will be broken. So, now it's mostly about encouraging students to take interest (but this doesn't mean that I've gone overly soft and stopped grilling students) nope because it still enrages me that people think they can get away with a lot of things versus people who really put their heart into studying in order to do better.

Destiny conspires in the strangest ways possible. I got into a stream that I did not want to get into at all but was forced to by my mum. I finished it, with a lot of hue and cry, gave my lectureship exam, cleared it, so if I wanted to, I could teach in a university. I tried teaching for a while but the lack of enthusiasm was something that got to me, so I switched. I moved on to teaching adults and somewhere even though it tends to become a little disheartening and maddening when they are not interested but it makes it all the more worthwhile when they show how you've made an impact and taught them and built their capacity to do their job better. So, I guess I like it.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Hi Zindagi!

Goa is the land of liberation. There is just something about that place that makes you free from your inhibitions, your fears and whatever it is that imprisons you. I've never really written a review for a movie so I'm not going to start now (you thought otherwise, right). Well, as is tradition, I will write what I felt when I watched Dear Zindagi. We went for the movie because GOA (trust me the madness has NOT died down) and ended up feeling a little lost actually. The most exciting part of the movie left me satisfied that I clicked pictures of all the right spots (Damn!).

Movies are supposed to bring hope, no matter who dies, what happens, how it ends, most movies always leave you a bit sanguine. We are a race of people who are hungry for love, not money, not attention but pure unadulterated love. Sure there will be a lot of times when it becomes hard to love but what makes you return to that doe eyed fool - love that you have for a person. We all have issues, let's face it. We are a fucked up generation, in need of shrinks. We live in a world where it's okay to do a lot of things but not okay to feel a lot of things. Friends find an important spot in our lives not family because hey, most families have become ignorant. We feel free to share our most intimate of secrets with people and we end up trusting them with the most precious parts of us. Some exploit it, some break it and some believe it or not do keep it safe. 

People don't really understand at times what the impact of their actions result in, whereas some do and still continue with it. This is the humanity that we are left dealing with these days. We have forgotten to be sensitive towards the feelings of another because we fail to see beyond our own needs. I'm not saying that be all giving, no, that would be stupidity in today's world but a little bit of compassion never hurt anybody. Be a little considerate, that's all I ask.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Oh. Oh. Oh. Its Magic!

What is magic for you?

What enchants me or is magical for me is found in love, in melodies, in writing, in poems, in moments, in alliances and most definitely in books. Fantasy is the imagination which knows no bounds. It comes from a place which reflects your inner most desires, manifested in the most beautiful and highly creative forms. There is so much more to just thinking about what your life is and how it will pan out and than writing it down as it is. That’s just good expression.

The thing that impresses me most about fantasy is the fact that you really have to think outside the box rather get out of the box, throw it away and embrace the universe for all its secrets. You are literally creating people, places, things, etc. which do not exist, yet. Agreed, a lot of it is inspired or may even be an interpretation of someone else’s thoughts but still. A lot of people including me are adept in writing or rather conveying what we feel and that really is just what transpires on to paper. It is truly an art to breathe life into a world you create on paper.

I’ve particularly been fond of the fantasy genre. There is something magical about it (pun intended). There are a lot of books that I can quote here for instance, Eoin Cofner – The Artemis Fowl series, C.S.Lewis – Narnia series, Jonathan Stroud – Bartemis Trilogy and of course the classics and one of my favourites The Wizard of Oz but today let's focus Harry Potter. Ever since Harry Potter came out people have been going crazy (me included). I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the new book, even though it is a bit of a letdown but hey since I’ve been crazy about the book since forever so how could I just let this one go.

You connect with Harry Potter or at least one of its characters at some point or the other. That's what makes it real. I remember watching Deathly Hallows - Part 1 in US and the experience of it I carry with me always. People came dressed up as wizards, carrying wands whereas I was carrying cheesecake (which I had to share with the entire row btw, enough said for sneaking it in). There was this girl who walked in dressed as Hagrid and everyone of us started calling out to her and she performed the role of Hagrid brilliantly. 

I've always been emotional when it came to the Harry, the way the book is written masters your emotional connect with it so well that you feel the book. Coincidentally, the movie casting was done brilliantly so much so that whenever I read the book later, I visualized the actors. I think one of the best things post Harry Potter series is coming out with Pottermore. The site is relatively new but it like your own little magical world inside your computer. For obvious reasons (age is not the criteria) I joined it and voila I got into Gryffindor and we know that it's not to be taken lightly. 

Check out my patronas as well. Still exploring the website hence another blog shall follow. Cannot wait for Fantastic Beasts to be released. So, more on that later. 

And I'll leave you with some good and some of the best quotes by my favourite character - Albus Dumbledore.

  • “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” –The Sorcerer’s Stone
  • “The truth.” Dumbledore sighed. “It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution.” –The Sorcerer’s Stone
  • “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” –The Chamber of Secrets
  • “The consequences of our actions are always so complicated, so diverse, that predicting the future is a very difficult business indeed.” –The Prisoner of Azkaban
  • "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light." –The Prisoner of Azkaban
  • “Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.” –The Goblet of Fire
  • “If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals” – Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  • “Dark and difficult times lie ahead. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.” – Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  • “Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect.” – Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  • “Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.” –The Goblet of Fire
  • “We cannot choose our fate, but we can choose others. Be careful in knowing that.” –The Order of the Phoenix
  • “We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.” – Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  • “It is important,” Dumbledore said, “to fight, and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then could evil be kept at bay, though never quite eradicated.” –The Half-Blood Prince
  • “Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both influencing injury, and remedying it.” –The Deathly Hallows