Sunday, January 10, 2016

Difficult choices

When you tell someone you love them. It's a declaration  of your feelings, your trust and your loyalty towards that person. You accept the fact that even though they are flawed, they are yours. You know the road has bumps but you also have faith that you will work together to smoothen it. 

Then what happens when one person betrays that trust. Where does the love you have for them go? I've come to realise that even though it stays, but it weakens with every lie. I honestly now believe that if you are an honest person, God helps you. The truth comes to light. You will automatically come to realise when you have been betrayed. 

Even though the one who is hurt, hurts more. Know that you've been saved. Lies, lack of trust, disloyalty and deception rarely survives. You need someone in your life, who needs you in theirs and not simultaneously repeat the pattern with other girls. The fact and the realisation of the fact that you were played and used, stays with you always. It never really heals. 

You are allowed to step back. You are allowed to choose happiness. You are allowed to cherish a relationship that is wanted from both ends. Truth hurts. Bad, real bad. But then again imagine the damage lies do. 

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