Monday, July 28, 2014


Hmm well just to bring some spice to life..yet another challenge beckons me. In this life, we are so into technology that we miss out on some of the wonderful opportunities that life has to offer. With that thought, I am ready to take up another experiment. 

What the task is, you may ask..GET OFF SOCIAL MEDIA!!

Social media has opened up some brilliant avenues to reconnect and network but has actually turned us slightly (*underrated) word anti social. It's a drug that you cannot get enough of. I need a detox..yes that true and the reasons for which I came to this decision were colossal and after introspecting *mainly being taunted actually* I have finally decided to go through, which I figure, a very painful process of rehab.

So the rationales being:
  • waking up during the night to tweet/chk fb/insta - I kid you not or maybe just to read (*snoop). Sleeping disorders are not a boon since am an early riser :/
  • Missing out on conversations - I become hearing impaired when am connected to SM.
  • I know its a good thing that when creativity or wit strikes and you have an outlet but when you are driving or doing something important umm not so much.
  • Even when you are with ppl you wanna be around, you are busy tweeting or fbing and then you get one tight slap..which you never anticipated, leaving you red and embarassed.
  • You forget to cultivate your own skills. The situation is that bad that you can feel the rust growing and you feel useless.
  • You don't join the hobby classes you invested in as you claim you have no time while you are socializing after every 40 mins *yes a frnd did a tweet analysis*. ( thought was that it was a low score - followed by tight slap).
  • You are so caught up in the virtual world that you don't want to meet old n new ppl in reality.
  • You kinda lose grip on yourself and let your self go. ( Painful really when clothes don't fit you :o).
  • You get depressed and at times build low esteem when you see ppl doing shit you are already doing but not posting, when you see others being wittier or who are prettier than you when you are amazing in your own right.
  • You don't know your own worth. That's what SM does - it's toxic!
Case in Point:!boGiqG 

So after immense reconnaissance into my current lifestyle I have decided that I need to make some major changes. It's kind of like a disconnect with the virtual world to connect with the real world. 

It's going to be a tough one I know it...but encounters like these make life worth living. So here shall continue though...need to vent somewhere right!!!

Pray for me to manage this gigantic task..mon dieu!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What a World!

It astounds me..and not in the best of intents how cruel the world has become. It's a relentless battle to just get your own way. To quote the very eminent Black Eyed Peas – Where is the love?

I mean just hearing all the stories from everyone around me ..I am turning into a sceptic. Yes and that’s one thing I was always afraid of heading towards. I mean how egotistical would you be to mentally harass your newlywed wife, or to be inconsiderate towards your family, or not care for the feelings of your pregnant wife or let your insecurities rule you and fight with your spouse every day.

It’s just scary that you venture out into a world which is devoid of the things we internally revere and want. Have we become that superficial that we are blind to angst of another…the one you promised to love and respect. Today all we showcase are personalities that are shallow and materialistic. We are so ruled by an external image of wonder that we are losing on what truly matters...a beautiful soul. No am not arguing that you let yourself go, but just to be a good person is a challenge these days.Sex predominates most feelings and morality has gone for a toss. 

There are men who talk to you just to get turned on, and if you don’t respond you are I don't know but to quote someone "DUMB"..I don’t even know what goes in their head. How your intellect is measured in how well you can flirt or sex-text . People outright lie about who they are, their self. On one end they charm you and then you figure out the lies and what then. Is that the person you respect? This is the world we all want to bring our kids in and then we talk of how bad this world has become. Who created this, are we not to question our own doings.

I don’t want to sound like a saint…god knows I have a million flaws  but yes I do question genuine feelings  and my faith lays shaken. Every single day it is broken by a person I trust or I want to trust.

 Am I a cynic…not entirely but surely on my way to becoming one I think.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Toast to and for Life

I thank the ones I love,
I thank the ones who love me more,
I thank the ones who envy me,
I thank the ones who hate me,
Yes you, u and everybody,
For making me a better me! 

To all the tears I've wept,
For all the memories I've kept,
To all the blessings I've received,
To all the things I've done indeed. 

For all the stunts I played,
For all the pro's n con's ,Wrongs or right, To all the decisions I've made all my life. 

For all the beautiful music and sights,
To all my dreams, ambitions and goals alike. 
For all that shall come in succession,
For all the ups n down's is the mission. 

For all the good that I've found,
For all the love that I know now,
For all the people, right or wrong,
For all the things that are to be bestowed. 

I drink at last, holding the cup of life,
Bowing gracefully, taking it in a stride,
A toast to my life, I now raise,
Thanking everyone
Who have been with me always!!!